Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sin = Sin?

I often hear christian religious leaders use the term "all sin is equal in Gods sight." When ever i happen to hear this statement the hairs on the back on my neck stand straight up and i get the chills. It is not that i do not believe that all sin is equal. But i do however believe that the consequences for sin varies in degree of seriousness. I think the reason why the statement "all sin is equal" really gets under my nails is beacause it is always used to relieve the pressure from greater sins. Here is what i mean, lets say i hear this statment come across the pulpit my first response is to think of the worst thing i have done. My second response is to think of the smallest sin i have committed and justify the worst sin with the smallest sin. I used this example recently while speaking to some of my students. I used murder as an example of a "big sin" and i used stealing a pencil as an example of a "small sin." To say that sin is equal to sin is a very true statement and must be taken very literally, however in Gods eyes the same disobeidience and neglect for his holy sacrifice had to take place in order to commit both sins. We as christians must never think in any way shape or form that we have the ability to decide the degree and seriousness of the sins we commit. I will hopfully get back to this post if you have any feedback please let me know so if i have to i can revise this thought.


RobinDayle said...

I've always thought the same thing whenever somebody said "Well, you just lied so I can cheat on my husband (or whatever)"...I know in my heart it's not the same, but it does say "all sin is equal". Thanks for putting words to the struggle every Christian thinks about. It was great to see you the other day. :-)

Jenni said...

I pray that I can look at sin like this, as God sees it, because it is there that I will see how my sin grieves the Lord. God has called us to be holy as He is holy. Sin is sin and we must strive for righteousness rather than finding ways for excusing our own sins. Tuesday night was good. He is good! Thanks for sharing.

Ally said...

hey did alonzo like the coins. i think that is how you spell his name.

the McWhorters said...

good question

Conor and Koren said...

Hi Curt! I love you and I miss you soooooo much. Just wanted you to know that today!
Love, Koren

Melissa said...

I think this article addresses your questions about sin.

Ryan Christie said...

i've thought about this a bit before too curtis...does anyone have any scripture for why all sin is equal?

Unknown said...
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Conor and Koren said...

come on Curt. I need a good laugh! Thanks for the picture. Gavin and Emma loved it! Love you, Koren

Mark said...

Where you at? We need another post my friend.

Unknown said...

oh....hey did alonzo like the coins. i think that is how you spell his name.

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